My Mission

is to

Uplift the Feminine Essence on Earth

Deep in your core lies an unshakeable confidence.
A presence so powerful it will take your breath away.
An authentic beauty that shines brighter than any star.

Yet, you have been misguided by this world.
Contorted into a version of yourself that succumbs to playing small, hiding your authentic self and denying your light.
Conforming to others’ ideas of dressing and appearance, whilst rejecting yourself and discarding your own intuitive brilliance.

It’s time ….
Reclaim your beauty
Reignite your feminine
Embody your true power

Come Home to Yourself.

The Wearing Your Worth® Approach

Release your self doubt

True transformation requires letting go. Releasing unwanted self-doubts about what you look like and who you think you need to be, is a big step in re-owning your true beauty.

There is only one you in this world, yet you’re encouraged to be like everyone else, the wardrobe is one of the most insidious tools for this and it throws you off your A game.

This beautiful unravelling journey in your closet allows you to let go of the stories that are holding you back in life, as we tenderly allow them to come to the surface and gently drift away, empowering the true you to


Discover your true beauty

Now you have let go of the old stories that have been holding you back, it’s time to transform deep within and reclaim your authenticity in the unveiling of your Style Essences, the heart and core of your authentic self-expression. In this miraculous process you discover who you really are and the secrets to awakening your essence and profound beauty from the inside out.

Equipped with your own Style Essence blueprint, putting together outfits becomes seamless throughout all areas of life. Be prepared to light up and experience an expansive up-level in life as you become an expression of your soul and embody your true inherent


Reclaim your inherent power

Having experienced beauty from the inside out, this transformation goes well beyond your wardrobe. The ignition of your true essence invokes the reclamation of your feminine power as you step into the world in a powerful new way, enhancing your relationships, family life, career, self-confidence and mission in life.

As you access new levels of awareness and personal empowerment, you view life from a broader lens and have insights that attune with your intuitive feminine nature, opening you to new opportunities, inspirations and a deeper connection with yourself. Your power is amplified. This transformation starts with your self-expression in the wardrobe yet extends far beyond your

wildest imaginings.

Founder Sarah Gale

Hi, I'm Sarah

I have been described as “…a game changer for the face of the feminine ” and anyone who knows me, knows how passionate I am about women really owning their true feminine power and appreciating their unique beauty.

This started with me. Despite three decades in the fashion industry, including judge on Project Runway Australia, I had been brainwashed into disempowering views of beauty. I used to feel so much angst and preoccupation with what others thought of me, that it wasn’t possible to be in my full power in the world, despite how fabulous I appeared in person or on paper. It helped that I had also spent over 25 years in personal development, and I knew the answer was inside me. Once I unearthed the keys, it profoundly transformed my life in ways I couldn’t have imagined, and it had nothing to do with what was ‘in fashion’ and everything to do with how to express my coherent self. I now own and celebrate my feminine, embrace my true beauty and feel aligned in my self-expression with the deepest part of my heart and soul.


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