Does getting dressed each day feel like an episode of wardrobe wars?

If you’re experiencing emotional angst and frustration when deciding what to wear

You’re going to LOVE THIS!

Say hello, to Wearing Your Worth®.

A six-week online course that takes you on a nurturing and inspirational journey to Self through your wardrobe, and helps you reconnect with your true essence and unique sense of style.

Hosted by Project Runway Australia’s Sarah Gale, you’ll explore your psychological relationship with your wardrobe and unveil the patterns keeping you stuck in dressing turmoil.

In just over 40 days, you’ll discover your own unique style, embrace your true power and sport the confidence you’ve always dreamed of.

Best of all, you’ll let go of who you think you should be, and embrace your authentic self.

You’ll learn how to express your true self through your wardrobe choices — without having to be a fashion guru.

And you’ll do it in 10-minutes flat.

How do I know?

I’ve been in the fashion industry for over three decades. I’ve been a judge on Project Runway Australia, a VP in the start-up of The Iconic and held Senior Executive roles in the fashion world.

What you don’t know is that I too faced self-worth and wardrobe challenges. Back then, people expected that I had it all together—I didn’t.

You see, looks can be deceiving.

Gracing national television screens was fun, yet the angst of ‘what to wear?’ and my general appearance in daily life was all-consuming.

I felt like I was constantly representing the Runway brand—on and off the clock—and, I became overly-conscious of how I looked.

Eventually, I got curious about my feelings and the pain became my greatest teacher.

As a daily meditator and personal development enthusiast for over 25 years, my practice and desire to continually grow and evolve grounded me amongst the swirling insecurities and anxiousness I faced over those years.

That’s why I created Wearing Your Worth®.

You may dislike getting dressed, or believe you have no sense of style;

You may blame your body shape for lack of inspiring outfits.

It probably feels like the ultimate truth, but really, it’s surface stuff.

Beneath the angst lies your divine empowered self.

The WEARING YOUR WORTH® course will help you embrace the parts of yourself you don’t yet love and embody your divinely-awesome self.

What you might not know

(Warning! This might feel like pulling on skinny jeans —but you’ll thank me later.)

How you feel in your clothes, has less to do with clothing and everything to do with the relationship with yourself.

Isn’t that wonderful?

The patterns playing out through your wardrobe choices are the same patterns unfolding in your life.

Identifying these patterns, relieves your wardrobe frustration, indecision, shame, anxiety, poor confidence and stress associated with getting dressed.

What emerges next is your Authentic Style Essences and from herein, opening your closet will inspire joy, ease and confidence.




• Learn the Wearing Your Worth® Technique

• Discover your unique Style Essences

• Embrace and reignite your current wardrobe (without spending more)

• Learn ways to shop intelligently


• Release emotional angst, anxiety and turmoil associated with dressing

• Develop a deeper and compassionate connection to self

• Embrace your body, authenticity and unique sense of style


• Transform how you show up in professional settings

• Develop and foster an authentic professional network aligned with the real you

• Have a new-found confidence to go after your dream opportunities

Some Words of Praise...

" Wearing Your Worth has changed me in ways I never would have imagined. This course is about so much more than clothes. Each morning I now get dressed with such ease. I know exactly what to put on to anchor me in my power. And I haven't spent a cent on new clothes (Yet! When I do I now know exactly what to buy). This course has taught me that how I show up on the outside is transmitted deep into my core and can open and show off powerful parts of me - my true essence.

~ Erica Sloan

Do You:

  • Feel anxious, insecure, or indecisive about getting dressed?
  • Want to discover your authentic fashion style?
  • Yearn to feel good in your skin?
  • Eager to resolve disempowering beliefs and patterns keeping you stuck
  • Desire a wardrobe you’re excited to select your outfits from?
  • Want to feel powerful and radiate your true essence in all areas of your life

If you answered yes to any of the above,

the WEARING YOUR WORTH® course is for you!


Wardrobe Awareness:

In this module, we explore your own relationship with your wardrobe, your current style and what’s influenced this. We shine a light on your narrative and self-talk about what you wear and the process you go through when you get dressed, examining your thoughts and feelings to unlock patterns that are information for you to use in reconnecting with your authentic self and style.

What your wardrobe says about you:

In this module, we delve into the patterns in your wardrobe with a thorough wardrobe stock take. We explore what the contents of your wardrobe may be indicating about your identity attachments and how this may be impacting your current style. We look at the contents of your closet through a lens of self-enquiry to gain insight into some patterns that may be holding you back from showing up in the full expression of yourself.

Exploring Your Style Essences:

In this module, we learn the steps to discover your own Style Essences. Through an exploration of clothing in your current wardrobe you will journey to uncover aspects of your style that ignite different parts of you. Through this process you connect with characteristics of your style that awakens your true self and informs your authentic style.

Styling Your Current Wardrobe from the inside out:

In this module, we explore practical applications of your Style Essences for different occasions and how to adapt current pieces of clothing in your wardrobe, so they express your essence from the inside out. We explore the masculine and feminine aspect of your style and how to use these in conjunction with your Style Essences to create a confident, powerful and authentic style.

Decluttering Your Wardrobe:

In this module we delve into the decluttering of your closet. Clearing out a wardrobe without a systematic approach can be a hard job and we often regret letting some pieces go, whilst hanging on to other pieces for reasons we don’t understand. Now we have a great understanding of your current wardrobe, your Style Essences and your authentic style, we delve into decluttering your wardrobe, so every piece of clothing in your wardrobe earns its place.

Life Beyond The Wardrobe:

In this module, following six weeks of investigation into your wardrobe patterns, your essence and how you prefer to fully express and show up in this world, we use that information to expand into the rest of your life. We discover what aspects of you show up in differing areas of your life and which ones are asking for more, to fully embody your authentic and most powerful self. We look at tools to develop your authenticity and to further connect with your confidence, presence and power.

Let go of who you think you need to be and reconnect with the essence of who you are.

Ready to begin?


Lael Stone, Birth, Parenting, Sexuality Expert.

This is an absolute must do for any person that wants to feel good in their skin and the clothes they wear. Sarah is completely in her genius as she guides you and gently helps you understand why you dress the way you do and how to make choices that value you and your essence. This is unlike any other styling experience as Sarah gets to the depths of you and what makes you shine. I cannot recommend this highly enough! Let her into your wardrobe and your heart!“

Tanja Lee, CEO, The Tanja Lee: Leading Life and Business Coach

She (Sarah) absolutely, intuitively unhooked the parts of myself that I was hiding, not honouring … this is one of the best things I have ever done for myself in my life… we elicited the three fundamental core style essences that have me fully illuminated in all aspects of myself. Making me feel vibrant and vital and seen for myself. I now have access to saving hours of time, thousands of dollars, but more importantly fully connecting to the heart of who I am and feeling unbelievably congruent inside and out. I want this gift for every single woman.”

What people are saying...

"Completing the Wearing Your Worth Course has been so insightful in regard to how my clothes makes me feel.

It allowed me to access what was already available in my wardrobe, so that I could have a variety of outfits that would really embody my true self.

It has been so empowering to use Sarah’s unique concepts to really embody who I am.

We uncovered part’s of me that I never even knew were there!
I highly recommend Sarah to anyone who may feel that there is something missing from their outfits, or just feels uneasy with pulling outfits together. This course will link those missing pieces. Absolutely worth it!"

~ Jo Fisher

“I have always seen clothing as a bit of an afterthought. I would very rarely get joy out of shopping, would wear my gym gear to work, and felt guilty when I purchased new clothes. I decided to have a session with Sarah to fulfil my desire to buy in a way that was more sustainable and streamlined rather than the scattergun approach I traditionally took. However, the Wearing Your Worth process was so much more than I expected. Sarah has a true gift. She helped me uncover some of the unconscious patterns around my clothing and associated self-beliefs and find my essences which are so spot-on. I felt so comfortable and supported by Sarah, she has an incredibly authentic approach to her work and is definitely coming from a genuine place of wanting to help you bring out your best. I feel so much more confident in my clothing and also feel like I can now approach shopping in a sustainable and thoughtful way, and guilt free!”

~Anita George, Legal Professional

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